fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約
fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約お気軽プラン
fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約標準プラン
fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約チョッといいプラン
fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約温泉付き客室プラン
fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約はなれプラン
fukushima Aizu Higashiyama Spa Mukaitaki 優先予約予約状況



Priority reservation

Original priority booking are " 2024/07/01~2025/09/30 " now being accepted!
There are 6 plans depending on the view from the room and the content of the dishes.
This website is the best way to book a room.

向瀧優先予約 文化財の向瀧に一万円台から泊まれると、リーズナブルな人気プラン

文化財の風が吹く 東山温泉 向瀧 Reasonable plan
You can stay in a room designated as a cultural property.
The most reasonable plan to stay in Mukaitaki
東山温泉 向瀧 予約特典
Space of Japan 1nigth2meals:1person  23,250 yen(with tax)~ Priority reservation 会津東山温泉 向瀧優先予約

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向瀧優先予約 中庭を眺めてゆったりとした和空間を満喫出来る、と根強い人気No.1プラン

会津東山温泉 向瀧 満開の夜桜 Standard plan
This plan is chosen by many people.
Garden view from the room makes you feel comfortable. You will be able to enjoy atmosphere of Japan.
東山温泉 向瀧 予約特典
space to enjoy the nature of Japan 1nigth2meals:1person  26,550 yen(with tax)~ Priority reservation 会津東山温泉 向瀧優先予約

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向瀧優先予約 「和」に漂う心地よさ、非日常のタイムスリップはこの玄関から始まる!

非日常の入り口となる文化財の宿向瀧の玄関 Superior plan
This plan is garden view and larger room. So you will forget all about the time and be more relaxed. You will be able to enjoy atmosphere of Japan. 東山温泉 向瀧 予約特典
Historic Buildings 1nigth2meals:1person  29,850 yen(with tax)~ Priority reservation 会津東山温泉 向瀧優先予約

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向瀧優先予約 源泉100%かけ流しを、思う存分!好きなだけ楽しめて、贅沢!と温泉通に好評なプラン

会津東山温泉 向瀧 温泉付き客室松の間 with Bath room plan
This plan’s room is with small Onsen (Only for you!). You can enjoy 100% pure hot spring anytime you want while you are staying. 東山温泉 向瀧 予約特典
Rooms with hot spring standard:1nigth2meals:1person  26,550 yen(with tax)~ Priority reservation 会津東山温泉 向瀧優先予約
superior:1nigth2meals:1person  29,850 yen(with tax)~ 会津東山温泉 向瀧優先予約

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向瀧優先予約 明治からの凛とした時空間そのままに、しっとりとゆったりと書院造りでくつろぐ皇族気分プラン

会津東山温泉 向瀧 はなれの間 Hanare plan
Hanare is very traditional room. Many famous people, such as the Imperial family, the Prime Minister and so on, stayed in this room in all ages. You feel luxury, prime, special Japanese atmosphere. 東山温泉 向瀧 予約特典
One room only, VIP room 2 persons 1nigth2meals:1person  41,950 yen(with tax)~ Priority reservation 会津東山温泉 向瀧優先予約
3 persons 1nigth2meals:1person  37,550 yen(with tax)~
4 persons 1nigth2meals:1person  34,250 yen(with tax)~
5 persons 1nigth2meals:1person  32,050 yen(with tax)~
6 persons~8 persons 1nigth2meals:1person  30,950 yen(with tax)~

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Booking from Official Web Site is the most profitable way. We will be able to arrange your booking.
We have only 24rooms. So, you would be better to book as soon as possible.
If you have any question, please let us know about it.
TEL +81(242)27-7501 e-mail

Plastic Resource
Recycling Promotion Law
The "Plastic Resource Recycling Promotion Law", which came into force in April 2022, requires the lodging industry to reduce the use of toothbrushes, combs, razors, shower caps, etc. In order to protect the global environment in the future, please bring your own "my toothbrush" that you are used to using.

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